If I were a rich man, I think I'd still have all the same stuff and friends I already do, just with lots of money instead.
If I were a superhero, I'd thoroughly enjoy the thrill of having a secret identity that no one else knows about except maybe my girlfriend...well, nevermind.
If I were the world's expert on squash, I still don't think I'd enjoy them unless my mother cooked them.
If I were to go on a second mission for the church, I'd hope I'm older and have a much prettier and permanent companion.
If I decide to take over the world, I think I'd do it through social networking like the mafia instead of politics, because secret combinations seem to make so much more sense than politics these days.
If there really were reindeer that could fly, I'd totally apply for the Santa Claus position, and settle for head elf when they denied me.
If it was thanksgiving break tomorrow, I'd cry.
If I could ever find the concentration and stamina that I need to do my homework, I'd stop writing random things right now.
If I were smart, I'd not worry about a great many more things than I really do.
I suppose that's it for now. My life has been full of
what if's lately, and these are a few of the outliers that are floating around in my head that I thought might be entertaining. The rest will probably be disclosed in about fifty years, after the personal nature of them is completely obscure and opaque.