Wednesday, April 30

Thanks for the memories...

This is just to let all those faithful readers out there know that I sold my contract for the summer in Provo, packed myself up, and successfully drove home without incident, and even at this moment am writing from my bed in Maryland.

Unfortunately the people of Wyoming don't know how to keep their roads clear, though, because due to their despicably obscene amounts gravel my beloved car has a crack in the windshield about the size of Nebraska. They better be thanking their lucky stars that my insurance covers it, or else I'd be nuking the place personally--or the closest thing I could come to it, which would probably be something like mailing a pest of some type to ravage their crops, animals, and young children.

Other than that, I think my only other enemies at the moment are the people responsible for the gas prices in Breezewood, PA--$3.99 a gallon. I should have murdered them then and there with my bare hands. Oh well, maybe next time I drive across the country I will.

Thursday, April 24


I want to put the word out there that I'm still looking for anyone that might want to drive with me to the east coast. Oh, and I'm still trying to sell my spring/summer housing contract at Monticello. Unfortunately nearly no one reads my blog; I realized this as I began to write.

Maybe this has something to do with the fact that nothing I write is interesting...and infrequently posted. Maybe I'll outsource my blogging to somebody in India soon.

Thank you, come again.

Sunday, April 20

Notable Quote

I found this on my computer when I got home a few minutes ago...heaven knows how it happened.

"Brian, this is your computer. I have virused myself and will be gone before morning. If you have anything you would like to say to me, do it now. Otherwise, farewell. XOXO"

Tuesday, April 15

Last Day!

School's almost done for the summer! Soon we will be free. I have not had a "summer vacation" since before my mission. I will most likely regret the drive to Maryland, but I am ready for a break.

In the midst of all this, I just want to wish everyone a

Sunday, April 6

Happy Birthday!!

So, I wish everyone who reads this post a happy birthday....that is a member of the Church.

I figure that your religion should be a part of you, so when I wish the Church a happy birthday today, I wish you a happy birthday as well.

Strange happenings

I think I might as well give up on my crusade to become a normal person. Based on all available evidence, I am naught but a strange boy.

For example, I went to get quarters from the wash hut in order to continue my laundry one evening this last week. As I got my quarters, I felt that it would be selfish of me to take their quarters without contributing to the establishment. I perused the vending machines perfunctorily and discovered, to my delight, that they had IBC root beer bottles in one machine. I then proceeded to attempt to purchase one, and in my haste must have purchased a bottle of flavored water in the process.
With no other course of action available to me at that point, I had to pay more money to get the root beer. I figured I would save the best for last, and decided I would drink the water on the walk home. So there I was, walking home with a pocket full of quarters, drinking a bottle of water, with a glass bottle (of root beer) stashed in my jacket. I felt like I was smuggling something. I'd be a horrible drunk, probably.