Wednesday, September 14

Long time no see...

It's been a while since I've posted here.  Guess I should probably change that.

I have plenty of reasons why; work, dating, church, alien invasions and the like.  But from one honest sailor to another, it's simply a matter of priorities.

While I probably won't be able to keep up with myself here I think I should note that my life indeed isn't empty and there are plenty of stories from the past year and a half since I started full time work that I could share.  Now the challenge will simply be remembering all of them....

Suffice it to say I am still dating a wonderful girl (we've been together since last December) and am enjoying life to the fullest.  Having a full time job and income does wonders for the quality of my dates too.  Budgeting is next on my list, I'll have to let you know how that goes.

Other than that there isn't really all that much to share that I have to share...but the good news is I'm still alive!

ps, I also have a new nickname now based off of my last name.  A few co-workers at work have dubbed me the Bison.  Not that this matters at all to your daily life, just thought I'd share.

Tuesday, February 1

On a more serious note...

It is groundhog day tomorrow.  It also very very very very very very very very cold, and I dislike this.  I live in Tejas.  This place is supposed to be warm.  It's really too bad that they say the groundhog is only correct about the weather about 39 percent of the time.

Let's just hope that we don't turn into zombies.  Yes, that was random.

News Flash!

Extra!  Extra!  Read all about it!  I have a girlfriend and I'm gonna shout it!


The end.