Wednesday, December 26


Now that Christmas is over, as of yesterday, I realize that I didn't even post anything exciting for that momentous occasion. Which brings me to the point that upon reading my blog, the posts about the upcoming holiday seem somewhat anti-climactic.

So I thought I should make up for the anti-climactic-ness of my blog---

MERRY day after CHRISTMAS!!!!!

And thus it is that the days of my expectations for a wonderful holiday are fulfilled.

Thursday, December 20

Notable Quote

"I hate realizing that I'm not alone in the world."
(Bran Muffin)

If the world were voice automated...

I have a feeling that one day we are going to out-advance ourselves with technology.

For example, what will we do when everything is voice activated? What if you were just talking about your friend Joe Cook, and the oven turned on, the microwave starts beeping and spinning, and the stove starts heating up all at once.

Or what if you had to break the news that you got fired at work, and all of the sudden the sprinklers in the ceiling went off.

Life would be a mess with technology. Or without it. Boy, we're in a pickle.

Wednesday, December 19

I am a genius

I have determined that I am a genius, twice. Both my facebook profile and my blog tested positively, and I proudly post the badge below.

cash advance

Monday, December 17

Finals Schminals

I should be working on my java programming final at the moment, but I would rather not. I also ought to get my laundry out of the dryer before too long, but I am too lazy, and my laptop is nice and warm and the weather outside is frightful, so let it snow. Silly me, it's not even snowing right now.

I just thought I should post something, and let the world know that my mental health is faring well. And I feel that life is still good. In fact, it is getting better every day that I keep on living.

Most of all, I am much too excited about the prospect of abandoning this barren wasteland and returning to the blissful land of bounty which I call home, namely, Frederick Maryland. Other than this, there is not much else of substance that keeps me going at this point of life. And now I have a sudden urge to wish you all a merry finals week in Samoan.

Manuia lava le vaiaso o su'ega i le i'uga o lau vasega!

Saturday, December 15

While I was in the airport

I had a thought as I entered the airport, about to go to LA for Thanksgiving, and I thought to myself, "Self, it seems that most people don't think that travelling is a very glamorous experience. But I like to look good when I travel."

Now that it is getting close to time for me to go home for Christmas, I will soon need to confront this interesting psychological situation yet again, and I intend to be prepared for it. I most likely should wear a button up shirt, no tie. Not the kind of button up shirt I would wear to church, but a nice shirt. I will most likely wear khakis, and I even got a haircut just today so that in a week it will look nice and normal.

I certainly hope I meet my expectations and look good as I travel. I'm sure the airlines could use all the positive good looks they can get, what with business being tough due to terrorism these days.

Thursday, December 13

Colors, choices, and Collapsing

So I was going to write a few thoughts about my day, and I was surprised to see that my blog has been edited...and I didn't do it. The whole picture no longer shows up, only a strip where the text lies. At first this seemed highly unacceptable. After some thinking, though, I feel that it makes the whole page a bit more streamlined. Not only that, I feel like I'm saving the environment by conserving bandwidth since it will now take less than half as much to download the photo at the top.

The only trouble is that I have had a constant problem with trying to figure out what color to use as the title. Gray doesn't show up terribly well. Blue doesn't match much of anything on the page. I've settled on a color that matches the background, but I'm still not sold on it.

But the only other thing is that it's still weird--when I click on an older post, the old settings with the full picture and brown and blue heading text show up. It's strange. Oh, well.

My day was good though. I feel however that now that the last day of classes are done, I will fall over.

Monday, December 10


I have decided yet again that going to bed early is going to be more productive than working late. So at this very pivotal time of my life, I am going to get some quality one on one time with my pillow. I trust that many will think me a fool for doing so, but I assure you that my life has never been better.

Now all I have to do is figure out how to wake up on time in the mornings.

Sunday, December 9

Notable Quote

"Dating is consensual."
(Yours truly)


I have a theory that the gap between tall and short people will only get wider, kind of like the gap between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. I mean, sometimes the basketball player marries the cheerleader, but who else are they going to marry anyway?

Usually, though, birds of a feather flock together. I've noticed that things just don't seem to usually work out otherwise, at least for me. Just like trying to put a puzzle together, you can't force two puzzle pieces together that just don't fit. Tall and short don't match very well.

Obviously this is just a theory, but I'd like to put it to the test and see how true it is. It would be great if we could conduct widespread research and got some real demographic data...

Wednesday, December 5

I'm still awake...

Why? The proposed answers to that question could fill more books than anything else that I can think of at the moment. The fact of the matter is, I'm not sure how exactly it came to be 3 am. It just is, and there's no use arguing with it.

At this point I am starting to realize how foolish it is to still be awake...and yet I'm writing about it at the same time, thinking about getting myself some hot chocolate and finally getting around to washing my dishes from dinner group this past evening.

I suppose this happens whenever you pass off a project, which I did yesterday (meaning Tuesday, since we all realize that it is officially Wednesday for me at this point.)

Now my biggest quandary is to figure out whether I'll go to the social dance lab or the songwriters' showcase tomorrow night at 7:30...decisions, decisions. I'm not so sure if I'll be able to decide. Any help would be appreciated, although usually when I ask my roomies for help in decision making, they act like that's almost as despicable as asking them to smoke or do drugs or something. Oh well. Better get to bed now.

Tuesday, December 4

20 DAYS!!!

I am extremely excited for Christmas...just thought I'd post it. No time to write more...maybe later! Hooray for Christmas!!