Monday, December 10


I have decided yet again that going to bed early is going to be more productive than working late. So at this very pivotal time of my life, I am going to get some quality one on one time with my pillow. I trust that many will think me a fool for doing so, but I assure you that my life has never been better.

Now all I have to do is figure out how to wake up on time in the mornings.


xister said...

I can think of several ways to arrange this if you are serious about it.

Unknown said...

I have a theory that I am immune to my alarm at this point. I have adapted to the point that it is ridiculous for me to rely on it.

Bran said...

I'd be willing to throw things (including myself if needed). I will contribute to waking you up. I will help so much. Just don't hit me, and don't forget how much you really want to get up.

Unknown said...

Hmm...I'll let you know if I'd like that. And I'll also make you sign a waiver exempting me from any bodily harm you might come to you from such activities.