I was just going through some of my old songwriting notes from past years, and came across this short piece I must've written a long time ago. There are very few if any editing marks on it, and it was written in pen so either this is a final draft I rewrote (unlikely, since I don't have any other copies) or it just came to me like this.
After reading over it this evening a couple times I really felt like posting it, so just before I check out for the night I've booted up my computer to share this little bit of my life. I hope you all enjoy it.
Words like worms wriggle through my mind,
No sense, no rhythm, no rhyme.
Only feelings none could express,
A meaning so deep only God could confess.
A prayer like leaven rises within
A hope of heaven, and a fear of sin.
Glimmers of beauty and snatches of starlight
My mind is melancholy through lonely night.
Visions of valiance, high noble deeds
Shining white horses, great gallant steeds.
Some times I cry, others I laugh.
I wonder in amazement
I feel so simple, so lost inside;
Yet somehow everything turns aright
It haunts me like tantalus' curse --
I reach out, and yet hold back
I yearn for comfort, but lack courage
I seek companionship and still am shy
As if it were a knot, my life is strung
Every thread a life which through mine has come
All tied in, no root unrelated
So much that I feel dissipated.