Monday, March 24

and so it is...

I have a new roommate. I think I already wrote about him, but he still fits in the "new" category, since he hasn't really been around that much. I'm pleased to report that he actually does exist, and I saw him again this morning.

Other than that, I have a test this week. My life is ever increasingly filled with things to do that I'm not sure I enjoy all that much. It must be that time of year.

At least it's sunny.


Amy said...

I still don't believe he exists. I think Nick made him up so that no one would know that he's ridiculously paying for two contracts. He knew that everyone would think he was crazy so he had this guy pretend to move in and show up a few times but that's it. He'll probably never come back again now that he's accomplished Nick's goal. It's sad but someone had to break it to you.

Unknown said...

Well, he made it home 5am this morning and slept most of the day, so I guess he's real.