Tuesday, October 20

Operation Slickrock: Moab, UT

I was going to try and find a super cool video to show how super awesome (translated: spooky) this trip was.  This is one of those experiences that if I were smarter I probably would have avoided it.  I mostly likely came close to injury at least half a dozen times, if not more.

My goal: to survive.  The outcome: yes.  I came out at the end of it all with a bruised left palm, scraped up shins from the pedals, and a bike frame shaped bruise between the legs, along with small cuts and scrapes all over, including my thumb, hip, and confidence when it comes to mountain biking.

I will admit, however, that the views were spectacular, the weather was splendid, and I feel healthy, athletic and outdoorsy now.  My arms and back are especially sore, as well.  I have also slept very well the past couple of nights.

Now I just need to figure out how I'm going to catch back up with all my classwork again.

1 comment:

xister said...

Congrats. I love the slickrock at Moab. I've done backward sommersaults down on the steeper hills that I wasn't ready for. It was terrifying in the moment, but great afterwards.