Monday, November 23


Sometimes it really bothers me that there is nothing in between an exclamation point and a period.  I was just composing a thank you email for a recruiter that interviewed me last week for a full time job, and I just couldn't settle on how to say "have a great Thanksgiving holiday."  With a period I feel like it is almost sarcastic, and with an exclamation point it almost seems like something from homestar runner's teen girl squad.  Although, it does seem that the impact that an exclamation point has is somewhat eroded within the business world.  Especially after the invention of spam email.

I suppose I could use a smiley face, but that wouldn't be as professional.  It is also a proven fact that a man would not appreciate a smiley face from me as much as someone of the opposite gender; in fact, it would most likely be strange and work against me.

So the moral here is that the written word will never truly measure up to face to face communication.

I ended up putting an exclamation point.

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