Monday, September 24

Daily thought

This will be the first full day of this literary receptacle for pearls of...well not so much wisdom, but at least it will bring smiles to your face and bring longer life with extended bursts of merriment. As a simple daily thought, (so what if it's only the second day? it's still a daily thought!), I put forward to you a line that can be used to overcome any social obstacle that you find impedes you. Simply say it out loud, and life will suddenly feel brighter.

Just remember this: "So, at least my deodorant smells good!"

Don't you feel better already?

1 comment:

Bran said...

I had a dream just two nights ago where I was really late, but I didn't have any deoderant. I walked all the way to WalMart where I hurried and bought some. I ran all the way back to campus so I could maybe be on time to class only to find that my deoderant was ash scented. It was really gross.