Tuesday, October 9

Notable Quote...and then some!

So, apparently I've forgotten to post one of the most important quotes by yours truly, and I've now had it requested multiple times, and my very person has been threatened in the case that I don't post it, although I find it morally unsound...

"So choosing the right is all about perspective, then?!?"
"Yeah.......I mean, no!"
(Yours truly)

Also, I am sure there are other things that I was going to post. I can't remember now, though, so it'll have to wait. I should be doing homework, but I'm not. I am a bad boy. Consider that my confession...on with the rest of the repentance process....I can do it....yes, I can......

1 comment:

Bran said...

No blog post should be made because of brute force. Stand to your guns boy. Die with honor if necessary. You die before you post something unseemly on your blog.