Friday, March 7

Last day

This is the last time. The very last time. I will never be able to do this ever again. No more will I be able to write a blog post as a 22 year old young man. From now on, starting tomorrow, I'll be 23.

But if you really want to be technical about it, I'll actually not be 23 until 11:30 pm or so tomorrow night.

Other than that, there isn't much else for me to say. Other than the fact that I have no plans but to have a nice, relaxing day tomorrow. Manuia lava le po! (which is to say "have a very fine/fortunate night" in Samoan)


xister said...


Unknown said...

My friend, there are only eight exclamation points on that post of yours, not the fourteen you promised. I feel shorted.

xister said...


Unknown said...

Aw, thanks. I always knew you were one of my closest friends.