Wednesday, May 21

I am a lawn-cutting machine

I cut the lawn today; I have been the sole grass-cutter since I got home. All I have to say is I'm glad that my hair doesn't grow as fast as our lawn, especially after all the heavy rains we've been getting. Think about the effect daily showering would have on my haircutting expenses....ugh! It might even be worse than having to pay $4.00 for gas. Oh wait, I already do.

I also helped Dad put up half of a chicken-wire fence around his garden last Saturday. It's raining out at the moment, but he's convinced that we can put the other half up right now. I'm not so sure I like the idea...we'll see who has the stronger will.

Ah yes, my Dad. I must say, the more I hang out with him, the more I become (scarily) like him. He and I are like the three stooges...except, each of us is one and a half of a stooge, which makes up for the fact that there are only two of us. He tells all the jokes, then I give us something to laugh about when I make fun of his jokes, which are lame. I wonder if he will read this. That would be...good?


Megan said...

For a minute I thought you meant you didn't shower daily...after awakening from the shock and horror, I figured out what you were actually saying...

xister said...

I'm glad that you still post occasionally. I'm also glad that you are building fences. Keep up the good work.