Monday, March 30

I'm sleepy

I woke up at 4 am this morning.  I heard recently that there was a General Authority that used to do that in order to have plenty of pondering time in the mornings.  I don't think I'll adopt that lifestyle until I can make sure to get to bed earlier in general, though.

It has spurred a thought for me, though.  How many days of our lives do we lose if we sleep those extra couple hours until 6, 7 or 8 am each day of our lives?  Is it worth the trade off to have less time awake in life, or will it shorten my life if I sleep less anyway?  I already know my Mother would tell me to sleep.  I suppose that settles it, then.

Now time to get back to writing up my personal statement for the MISM application that is due tomorrow.  Maybe I should take a nap before finishing it...

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