Wednesday, April 1

April fools!

What a great joke....

I also had someone write "Pirates of the Caribean" on my car with red soap or something like that. Yes, they did spell Caribbean incorrectly. I need to get a date so I can wash it.

Oh, I also took a nap right before dinner group. This gave my dinner group the opportunity to switch out our dinner schedule with a fake one that said I was supposed to cook tonight. They all showed up to my apartment, and I was super confused. My favorite part was when I went over to Amy's* apartment to double check, because I could've sworn that I wasn't supposed to cook and she was. Of course I didn't catch on, being half awake anyway. So when I showed up at Amy's place and asked Chantelle if I was cooking for real, she said something like "I dunno, I just follow Amy," and then Amy headed over to my apartment. I should've noticed Amy pulling her casserole out of the oven right then...

So to make a long story short, I am told that I had the saddest face that people have seen in a while. Kelly said that she had some jelly and bread she had just gotten at the store the other day, and they were scrounging through my cupboard looking for food, and they pulled out the huge jar of peanut butter that I had. Quote of the day by me: "For three seconds or so I thought it was some sort of horrible April Fools' joke." (imagine the most disheartened face you've seen for a boy that just got shot down a couple days before already).

*names have not been changed to protect the people involved...


xister said...

That's some creative name changing.

Unknown said... mean some creative lack of changing, I assume.